Pre Trip Log

Kerani, my travel companion for my first month in India
I will be off tomorrow. I can hardly believe it! It seems like Ill be getting up and heading to Black Butte Ranch to lead the brain dead Cali’s around the woods all day like every summer-explaining that dropping your reins and screaming every time your horse trips or puts his head down to nibble one the foliage is actually not the best plan. Every now and then, a glimpse of what lays ahead hits me and a "holey shit" feeling rolls over me briefly and then fades away leaving me with a vaguely unsettled feeling. It's the sort of feeling you get when you stand on the edge of the Grand Canyon in a thick fog and stare into the emptiness knowing there is something there that-although unseen- is larger and more powerful then anything you can possibly imagine. Kerani (a fellow Sisters High student) and myself will be leaving around 1am on Wednesday from Portland to Seattle with a 4 hour lay over in Seoul Korea and finally arrive in Delhi about 12pm. It will be like well I’m actually not sure at all what it will be like. Something unlike anything I have done in my brief 18 years amongst humanity that is for sure and I, hope whatever happens will be a worthwhile and rewarding experience. I am so lucky and I hope I get the chance to make a difference somehow. Cheers! Wish me Luck :)
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