Settling In

The market
Well, I am in India! Wow, I can hardly believe it.... Its not near as hard or as poverty stricken as I had expected. I think I’m going to like it here, the people are rather shy and much more polite then in Mexico...Ill be teaching English and working with a woman at her orchard...which sounds really neat. Her husband is in the navy and she is working their alone so she needs some help with the animals and the fruit. The staff here is pretty quiet and shy but they treat us like royalty. It’s hard to get used to. When we walk in the drivers and cooks all get up and give us their seats and leave.... before asking if they can get us anything. I love it here...I am sure Ill come back next year. I haven’t had any culture shock so far and jet lag was hardly noticeable...god its so awesome to be here finally! Its hard to take pictures because everyone stares and it looks so touristy...know what I mean? My stomach is so tense all the time...more with excitement then anything.... I’m so happy! Wow.... I took a rickshaw yesterday to the bizarre.... slightly hair rising ride but very interesting to see the people on the street. The most noticeable thing about India is the fruit and sweat and some sort of sweet flower all rolled into one. It’s so thick it seems like your swimming in it sometimes...they also use their horns instead of turn signals or lights...they use them ALL the time when they drive. Another thing is that people sleep everywhere...benches, the street, on their bike seat or handlebars, anywhere...I don’t know how they do it...anyways everyone’s heading back to the flat so I better sign off. we might go to the Red Fort today but I am not sure...the Taj tomorrow if I can get someone to come with me...
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