
A fellow volunteer powdering the face of a patient
Work went well. We made the beds and helped bath the patience that could not bath them. During lunch, I helped feed some of the more mentally challenged of the patiences. We also brought nail polish and cookies for the women. They loved it! The picture above is of one of my fellow volunteers powdering the face of an old woman who used to be a nurse at the hospital. She has five children and yet none of them have taken her on so she lives here. She is the only woman who speaks English but her mind is going fast and she goes in and out of reality. It is hard to talk to the patiences because they keep on begging us to take them home. On of the men that helped us with the washing died last nigh so some of women are a little down.
On our drive back from the hospital today a man was struck down by a car infront of us. He flew about 10 feet and slammed against the pavment in an alarmingly aqward angle. I will never know his condition because our jerk of driver did not stop, nobody did. The cars flowed around him like water and not a single person seemed to give a damn about his fait. The van that hit him did not stop, we did not stop, the cars around him did not stop, it was horrible. They actually seemed to speed up as they went buy as if afraid to get involved. If our driver would not stop, an employee of a charity oragnization, who would? I was outraged and my eyes filled up with tears. That man could have been someones father or someones husband, that man could have been me. God, what a crual society.
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