A Nightmare In Heaven August 14-15

Benjamin and I at dinner
have agreed to go to a town few hours away-called Mt. Abu that I have heard is nice and hopefully, things might start looking up there. LATER we have arrived for Mt. Abu. I do not like this place one bit. Of course other people had different experiances, so it may have been my state of mind. I think I was thinking of a place called Mt. Mandu. Damn. The 4-hour bus trip from Udaipur was nice though. Mt. Abu itself is rather disreputable feeling and there is not a foreigner to be seen around here, which is very unsettling. There is a notable number of men who are walking crooked, perhaps a drinking hub? NOTE Watching cable now. Thank god for TV, it helps me relax. The American movies here are horrible and I have resorted to National Geographic for entertainment. We are staying in Hotel Lake View. The staff here are unreal. I swear they come in every 5 minutes on the dot for something. It is a very annoying habit; all I want to do is become unconscious for a few days. They have knocked 11 times since I have been here and it is only the first 2 hours I have occupied the room. The whole atmosphere of the place is almost desperate. No more fighting, Benji is easier to deal with now. Men seem to flock around me here like buzzards and the abundance of alcohol makes them very menacing. Benji seems serious and yelled at me, which made me burst into tears. India sure does bring out the emotions. I have never cried so much in my life. If you have ever taken a non-AC bus through Rajastan for 20 hours in mid August with a bladder infection and constant nausea, you know how much it sucks. After getting a bus 1 day later then I had hoped, we finally arrived in Delhi. The whole trip was a waste of money and time but Benji seems happy enough. At least someone had fun. In Delhi, I went straight to Hauz Khaus, found an empty bed and crashed. The next day Joggy and Bela (The head honcho of CCS) came over. They were pissed because I was a day late but after what I have been through, I could care less. I am just glade I am alive. Screw them, after what I have paid they can afford some sympathy.
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