
Prayer wheels at a temple in Macloed Ganj
Okay-blew the last of my money today at McLoed Ganj on a necklace for mom, and some bangals. Camp was fun but I did not do too much. It was raining and most of the times I just sat with some of the older girls and watched the boys play basketball and cricket. Some of the older boys tried to come over and talk but
Vickie (lil Sikh guy) told them to bug off. After getting back to the flats, I ate three cookies complete with peanut butter and went to McLoed Ganj. I am with the evening group now, which is a joke. The older kids are having a meeting and the younger ones are drawing. I just finished playing speed with Vickie (I won twice!). Not much of anything to write about. We are leaving for Ameritsar tomorrow 2:30pm and we will stay there for about 2 days. I figure being close to a country full of hostile Muslims is better then being immersed in a city full of hostile Indians. Wow, I can actually see the sky today. It is the first time I have seen blue since I have come here. You can see houses scattered through the valley and perched amongst the trees on the gently slopping hills around us. Whisks of clouds are drifting across the landscape and the green tops of hills are enshrined in white mist. I catch on occasional glimpse of brightly colored Saris making their way up the closest slopes, presumably on their way to the small Hindu shrine at the temple, dedicated to one Hindu God or another of the Gods, about half way up the hill. Well, the smells of our farewell dinner are wafting out from the kitchen so I wills sign off now. I cannot believe I only have one month left. I can almost feel time slipping past me…. anyhow, c ya
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