The First Day Of Our Program

CCS Staff (L-R) La Lu, Rakesh, Kaiwal, Joggy, Vicky and Ajay
Well, my momentary lapse of despair yesterday seems to be over for the most part. My fear and inferiority feelings have been replaced with rage, which is an improvement of sorts. I can feel it ripping and expanding inside me and I feel so much more empowered then I did yesterday. I told Benji that I would not go to his village and to go away. The little guy took it fairly well and of course he stayed right where he was. I felt better taking the situation into my own hands never the less. The CCS group had an orientation today which was not much to speak of-then we went to a small Indian restaurant which was pretty good. They served, what seemed like hundreds of courses. The first was soup in a cup followed by soup in a bowl (lentil) fried bread and a rice cake joined by more soup came next with dosa (a fried flat bread stuffed with potatoes). The whole thing was polished off with another rice cake soaked in a sort of banana/honey syrup. Yum Yum! The rest of the day we just walked around Hauz Khaus market. I bought a camera for 1500 rs (25$). All went smoothly today. My group is much more like a family then the other group and I feel like I can relate to most of my fellow volunteers fairly well. One of the guys (Peter) even hiked part of the Appalachian Trail-koool ha?! He is also polite and tall-someday, yep. someday I'll find a guy that nice. Anyways, we will be off tomorrow for Rajgarh @ 6:15pm on the train- I cannot wait: ) Getting late so I better get going-signings off. G-nite.
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