Improvments, Appriciation And True Love

My washing buddy
Feeling better today. Oh My GOD! I almost forgot what living without a fever is like. It sure makes work more rewarding when I am not throwing up or fainting very 10 minutes. Anyways, I have found the one. Yep, he is the most beautiful person I have ever seen. Tall, Punjabi, Sikh, with amazing brown eyes, long dark lashes, skin like toffee, broad shoulders, strong build, curly black beard and a smile that glows with a warmth that makes me almost believe in life again. He simply radiates integrity, confidence, compassion and kindness and his name is Jasvindar. I do not care if we ever meet again; I have sat in the same car as the man of my dreams and that is more then most people in the world can say. He is our driver from work everyday. Our eyes meet in the mirror once in the while because I cannot help but look at his. They are like a giraffes eyes, big, brown, with long lashes, and overflowing with warmth. As we were driving back to the flat I started thinking about heaven…well Ill talk about that later. What else? There is this American Indian (not native American) that is a total bitch (for lack of a better word). God! He is the backstabbing type but hell I’m so far from perfect who am I to criticize? The other volunteers went to dinner last tonight. I was not invited of course. Today at work was uneventful. A lady who I have come to like took up most of my time there. She weighs about 80lbs. Moreover, her arms and hands are shriveled up and almost completely useless. I sit by her almost day while she sobs and cries and tells me her life story. I wish I could understand her because she sure does have something to say, unfortunately she says it in Hindi so I do not have a clue. I love these people. They do not judge me, they do not stare, and they do not critisize. Maybe it is bacause they are so wrapped up in their own suffering that they can not focuse enough on me to judg but it sure is nice to be accepted and appriciated. They hug me and hold my hands and rub my arms if I let them. Some are completly unaware of course but most of them are wonderful in their own ways. I am sure lucky. People could learn a lot from the dying and destitute. Love for one thing.
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