
My room after a month of fever...cleanliness is NOT a priority with the way I am feeling!
I want to go home. Joggy told me that I would be "terminated" if I didn't start doing something. Eat lunch everyday, stay away from Benji, smile? Jesus. I have not been going to enough lunchs or being social enough I guess...no shit! I didn't come here to smile or eat. I have only missed 1 day of work my whole time here, what does he expect? I am barely alive and he wants me to socialize! I am not even that good at socializing when I feel okay. It pissed me off. No, it made me feel like bursting into tears on the spot. He kept asking "is there something wrong with you?". he said it so many times I have started asking myself the same question. I know he is well intentioned but god Im loosing it. Is India driving me insane? Is there something wrong with me? I do not think so but everything or rather, everyone seems to point that way. LATER Yuk....modern Indians. I am in Ansal Plaza mall with you know who. I skipped work today because I could not breath when I woke up this morning. God I don't know why everything has to be so hard in this damn place.
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