Sunday, June 27, 2004

A Day Off...YAHOOO!

The gang after our fun at the waterfall

A day off! Interesting day. I have come to the realization that no one actually cares what I say which is fine with me but it would be nice if I had just a few people to fall back on when I need to talk. I guess it will be good practice to be satisfied and entertained by my "inner self". Maybe I will awaken my inner therapist. The problem with that is, I need to talk most when I am nervous or happy or on the occasional moments when I am overflowing with excitement and it is hard to keep it all bottled up. Maybe people need others to validate their existence-assure them that they are "okay". I could sure use a dose of acceptance (maybe 30 minutes or so?) right now. Anyways, the whole group of us went to a small waterfall about 30minutes away from the Ruchi house for a pick nick this evening. It is hard to convey the sublime cuteness of the staff here. Joggi and La Lu are my favorites. They have a shy sweetness about them that is hard to explain. OMG some guy in a truck just stopped next to where I am sitting on sunset hill-maybe sitting so close to the road is not such a great idea. Look busy.....the thing about India is I can never tell if they are about to gang rape me or offer me chai. I guess these guys are the chai type. They said namastee and left. So, about the waterfall. We made our way up through the jungle for about half an hour before stopping at a small, shallow pool between two huge boulders. The girls went swimming-Oh the sublime skinniness of them-someday Ill be like that although for the life of me I don't know how. When we returned home I slept for an hour and everyone else went to play cricket so at the moment I am sitting on a rock by the road waiting for the return of the crew and watching the sun sink lower through the haze of pollution that seems to be a permanent resident in the valley. The view is still incredible with peach and pear orchards lining the valley and growing on the ledges carved out of the hills so many centuries ago. I think I have discovered something better then sugar-clean cloths and soap. God, its amazing how satisfying a good shower can be. I also discovered a pair of clean pants in the free box. I am living high today! It was the highlight of my week. I feel almost pretty-a novel concept-I hope the girls stay away late so my fragile little bubble does not burst to soon. Well, I guess that is all for the moment. I think I will look through the brides wanted section in the Chandigar Tribune. On second thought, maybe I wont. It is rather depressing. They are all beautiful, smart and thin and looking for the same-maybe I will just wave at the TATA trucks instead. Signing out