Ajays Birthday

Ajay's Birthday
Today I brought paper and crayons, which were a big, hit. I also made them name tags which did not work out so well and ended up torn to pieces on the classroom floor. Three hours with the 4th and 5th grade was a bit much-I am not sure how to use the time? Their syllabus is a joke and it takes maybe 5 minutes to get through the lesson for the day. Lunch is at 1 pm, followed by a game and another hour of teaching. I am exhausted! I came from home and collapsed for an hour before helping out with an evening group of young kids that comes to study every day at 5pm on the roof of the Ruchi house. They come for help with English and math or just to be with their friends and draw. There is the sweetest girl in the evening group. She is so open and sweet natured and always hugs her teachers and sits on my lap when she draws. She kissed my hand and touches my chin softly every time we meet and says "sundar" (beautiful) when she touches my hair. I have been think about what I want and where I am headed in the next few years and I had a revelation. I love life but I would really lik someone to share it with. I never really thought I would mind one way or the other before but being here I realize how nice it is to experience life with someone instead of just doing it solo. Not any heavy weird drama- just a cool buddy to pal around with who I can trust and is compatible with me-physically, morally and emotionally-someone who has dreams and is working on making them a reality. Anyway, we just ate a killer chicken dinner...garlic and butter chapati along with a sort of mild paneer(cheese) in spinach that tastes like tofu. A CCS staff member, Ajay-the "kool" sort-has a birthday today so we are having cake and ice cream. Sugar at last! I miss the stuff terribly. I have not prepared anything for my kids tomorrow so I better go get something together. Adios
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