Delhi Belly

Old Delhi Station
I have been living in a hell for the past two days. My temporary bought of negative thinking gave way to gut wrenching stomach cramps and thought dulling headaches-the kind that makes you feel like someone took an axe to your skull if someone shuts the door to hard. That will teach me too forget my posative affermations! Beware Delhi Belly! It does exist and it does suck indiscribably. I wish I would have been more careful and done something, anthing to avoid getting sick. If the sickness doesn’t kill you, the heat is happily waiting to give it a shot. The two forces working together are devastating. I spent last night hugging the toilet bowl for dear life, heaving and wrenching every few minutes and dripping sweat. I think Peter saved my life. He stayed with me an read most of the day. It was such a relief having someone around. Oh, I forgot to mention that there are millions of invisible bugs in Delhi that have taken it upon themselves to keep me company along with Peter. My legs are covered in giant welts from the damn things. Anyways, back to my faithful companion. He is awesome. LATER I am going to be pick up in the morning by a Sikh driver from CCS (4am) and driven to the Old Delhi Station so that I can catch a train to Jaipur. I trust him more then any other Indian man I have met so far. He has amazing brown eyes and is extremly polite. It is hard to explain, he has an ora of integrity about him that inspires a person tobelieve in him. The Delhi-Jaipur express was a pleasent ride..slightly cramped but the excellent air conditioning compensated for that. When I stepped off the train, heat hit me like a punch in the gut and I gasp in shock. A young energetic rickshaw driver immediatly whisked me off to the Hotel Pearl Palace. Smooth as they come, friendly and full of charm I could hardly help but like the guy. I am sure he is probably a master at his trade but I don't mind loosing a few extra rupees to get my mind of my jumpy stomach an the fact that I am completly alone in the middle of India and have no idea what I am doing. I have arranged to meet him at 10am tomorrow for a tour....20 ruppees a day...yeah right. Jaipur is pleasent so fare but much more tourist oriented then Delhi. I am missing bat man (in hindi) on my new tv... sighning off....night night....
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