Temple Hopping

The Delhi volunteer group at a Hindu temple
We went temple hopping today. We were hauled around to two temples and a mosque (Jama Mosjid). After the magical promise it is of red and white marble domes and gracefully erect prayer towers, Jamma Mosjid was a bit disappointing. Mosques are rather an anti climactic in my opinion. The people seemed slightly hostile and I do not know if it was my imagination or not but there seemed to be an angry gleam in the stares of the people there. My favorite place of all was the Sikh temple. It was wonderfully peaceful and spirituality almost permeated the walls of the place. You can feel god (in whatever form)in the air around it. It was not quiet as breath taking as the Golden Temple but I loved it never the less. There was a lake in it and huge red and white codfish swam in its waters. There were drummers and singers playing holy music and groups of worshipers praying. There was also a shallow pool to wash your feet in after you removed your shoes and gave them to the shoe counter for safekeeping. The last place we went was the Hindu temple. Statues of gods, and animals decorated the place and gawking men hung around every corner. Anyways, I met Benji last night but the conversational aspect of the evening was non-existent cuz he managed to tick me off right from the start. He listens to what everyone says but me. It drives me crazy. I have a confession to make. McDonalds, the evil American corp. finally sucked me in. Yes, I ate at the big M in India. Shame shame. The atmosphere is a little snobbish if you can believe it but god does Mcstraberry shakes (I had 2 actually…shhhh!) and Mcchicken nuggets taste good! After I finished writing we will head to Delhi is posh new theater where we will hopefully catch Shrek 2 at 9pm. I will be home by 12pm..Im sure Joggy will be thrilled and so will I at 5am tomorrow! The movie looks wonderfully Western and the popcorn has arrived so off to the show I go.
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