First Day Of Summer Camp

The group catching the taxi to camp in the morning
Today was my first day of camp. We drove for about 20 minutes and arrived at a stone walled schoolyard with 4 or 5 rooms that had rolled up mats in the backs instead of desks. When the van rolled to a stop about 100 brown little faces popped up over the courtyard wall. The day went fairly well although the kids are a lot less open and friendly then they were in Rajgarh. My inquiry of “Nam?” was met with blank stares and vacant expressions. I am pretty sure they speak Hindi but you would never guess it from their reactions. All together there were about 150 kids and 50 or so parents and older siblings. Apparently they came to ease their fear that we would steal their children and whisk them back to America with us. Tempting…but I will pass on that one. Anyways, we hung out the rest of the day at the flat. I called mom after a late night walk to the cyber café. I have been having constant feeling of queasiness but it is not crippling which is nice. I am also getting used to the group. Many are still obnoxious but it is not all that bad. My roommate moved out of my room with no explanation and we have not talked since which is weird but whatever.
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