Friday, September 03, 2004

Is India Trying To Kill Me?

Something is wrong with my blood test and I am going to the MAX hospital tomorrow to find out if I have 6 months to live or I just need to eat more carrots. I am at the last feedback meeting right now. The Dharmshala group came back yesterday and is practically in ecstasy explaining about their blissful experience there. I skipped out on having lunch with the patience at the hospital in order to go to the MAX hospital myself. Benji looked up my diagnoses on the blood report (Mild Leukocytes and lymphotyes) and apparently, it is either an indication of HIV, TB, or cancer. God I hope it is TB. Only in India could you be happy withg a diagnoses of tuberculosis but there you have it. Waiting…. The doctor is a jerk. He is the same one I had last time who had a “consultation” with me which amounted to jack *&%. When I said I had constant cold shakes and fever he replied with "okay, take some vitamins and good luck". Thanks doc, I could not have figured that out on my own! The guy literally did nothing. He did not come within 5 feet of me and didnt ask one question about my health history or anything. This is getting me all tense; I wish they would hurry up.